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Lincoln Castle

Published on Apr 05, 2016

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Lincoln Castle

Hailey Ishaug 
Photo by Bert Kaufmann

what is it

  • It a major castle in England constructed in the early 11th century.
  • A guy named William the conqueror made it.

what is it

  • It is a big castle made by a guy named william the conqueeor
Photo by Jon's pics

what is causing acid rain to affect it

  • It is making it so the plants and animals cant get water or food cause of the acid rain.
Photo by Bosumu.Images

what else is causing the plants not to get food.

  • It is getting all over the ground so they cant get the nutrients they need.
Photo by lolololori

why it is susceptible to acid rain.

  • It is infecting the ground with chemicals that aren't good for plants and animals.

why else is it susceptible to acid rain.

  • It kills the plants because of all the chemicals in the air and on the ground.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

What kind of damage is being done.

  • It's killing all the plants.
  • and making them not be able to get the nutrients they need.

why other kind of damage is being done.

  • It's killing all the animals.

what is being done to protect the animals and plants from getting hurt.

  • they are trying to find new technology to try and protect them.
Photo by jdlasica

what else is being done to protect the plants

  • they are find new chemicals to try and save them.
Photo by lolololori


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Photo by Jon's pics