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Lincoln Douglas

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Lincoln Douglas

BY: Brandon Tristin Ache
Photo by Allen Gathman

How many debates did Lincoln and Douglas participate in?

He perticipated in seven debates.

First debate

Douglas charged Lincoln with trying to “abolitionize” the Whig and Democratic Parties.

second debate

Douglas' response became known as the Freeport Doctrine which had ramifications at the 1860 Democratic National Convention.
Photo by cliff1066™

Third Debate

Approximately 1,500 from the sparsely populated heavily Democratic area attended.
Photo by cliff1066™

Fourth Debate

Answering Douglas' charge made in Jonosboro that he favored racial equality Lincoln explained his views on race.

Fifth Debate

Lincoln emphasized the Declaration of Independence was meant to apply to all men.
Photo by mharrsch

Sixth Debate

Lincoln denied he said different things in different parts of the state. 
Photo by Aussie~mobs

Seventh Debate

Douglas attacked Lincoln's House Divided Speech and championed Popular Sovereignty.
Photo by OZinOH