James Brook
Chief of the secret service at time of body snatching plot
George Hay
Private detective, hired by Tyrrel to catch body snatchers
John McDonald
Secret service agent,worked for Tyrrel
John McGrinn
Private detective, hired by Tyrrel to catch body snatchers
Patrick Tyrrel
Chief operative of Chicago district of the secret service , led attempt to catch body snatchers
Elmer Washburn
Former chief of the secret service, Assisted Tyrrel on body snatchers case
Belle Bruce
Resident of Springfield, helped expose first plot to steal Lincoln
Charles Deane
Chicago lawyer,friend of Patrick Tyrrel
John English
Chicago Tribune reporter, first to break story of attempted tomb robbery
Rutherford B. Hayes
Republican candidate for president in 1876
Mary Todd Lincoln
Widow of Abraham Lincoln
Bill Neely (AKA billy brown)
Chicago bricklayer,roper for secret service
William O'Brien
Defense lawyer,defended Hughes and Mullen at trial
John Carroll Power
Custodian of Lincoln monument
Lewis C.Swegles
Career criminal, roper who informed secret service of plot to steal Lincoln's body