Link Between Costly Healthy Food and Obesity
The widespread problem of obesity is now an important health problem today.
There are over 200 million children who are school-age and overweight. (“World Obesity Federation”)
Price has become a bigger factor on food choice than the healthiness.
“Globally, inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables is a risk factor for a wide array of diseases.” (Pearson)
The cost of food that are more nutritious is increasing and the cost of junk food has been decreasing.
US rates of obesity have increased dramatically over the last 20 years.
In 1990, no state had a rate of more than 14% obesity among its adults population. By 2005, all 50 states had obesity rates of at least 14%. (“Can You Afford to Eat Right?”)
Less-energy-dense foods are far more expensive calorie for calorie, than sweet, snack, and fatty foods.
Works Cited
"Can You Afford to Eat Right?." Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter May 2008: 4+. Academic Search Complete. USC Upstate Library. USC Upstate Library. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.
Pearson, Amber L., et al. "Obtaining Fruit And Vegetables For The Lowest Prices: Pricing Survey Of Different Outlets And Geographical Analysis Of Competition Effects." Plos ONE 9.3 (2014): 1-8. Academic Search Complete. USC Upstate Library. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.
"World Obesity Federation | About Obesity." World Obesity Federation | About Obesity. N.p., 2014. Web. 19 Mar. 2015. .