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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Aubrey Bergeron
Photo by angela7dreams

Taxonomic Classification

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Carnivora 
  • Family: Felidae
Photo by Etrusia UK

Scientific and Common

  • Scientific name: Panthera Leo
  • Common name: Lion, African Lion
Photo by jimbowen0306

Mostly found in Africa!

Photo by Peter Ito

According to Red List, Lions are Vulnerable.

lion population numbers

  • Originally was predicted at 78,500
  • Nows its predicted to be 39,000 which is a 48.5% decline

Roles of the lion

  • Herbivore population control
  • Limitation of smaller predators
  • Disease Control

Benefits to humans

  • Their hunting regulates biodiversity.
  • If taken away they hunt on livestock/Humans.
  • The money coming in from tours/zoos. 
  • People travel and spend money to the area.
  • In turn they learn more about and actually respect the culture.

Threats to lions

  • Indiscriminate killing 
  • Prey base depletion
  • Trophy Hunting
  • Disease 
  • Habitat destruction
Photo by Krister462

What is being done?

  • In Africa Lions are mostly in protected areas
  • They also remain one of the must see animals
  • In turn money is brought in
  • 1. Renovate parks 
  • 2. High incentive for wildlife conservation 

What is being done?

  • Regional conservation strategies
  • 1. Reduce Lion and Human interaction
  • 2. Conserve and Increase lion habitats
  • Expansion of wildlife- integrated land use 
  • Prevent illegal trade of lions/ lion products