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Literacy Narrative Jasmine Powell

Published on Aug 29, 2023

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Literacy Narrative

Written by Jasmine Powell
Photo by utnapistim

Our parents were still at work, so my brother watched me after school. One frightful day we walked into our house when a big boom filled the air. Then the lights went out...

I started to cry and my brother said it would be alright. He picked up a flashlight and one of his books and started to read to me.

Photo by Hans Isaacson

I remember the soothing sound of his voice and the way he made his voice change tones with each character like my mom does when she reads to me before bed. I am able to pick any book I want from my four-tier bookshelf.

Photo by Ben White

I started to laugh and forget about the horrible storm outside our windows. I finally felt safe and was able to enjoy the book so much that I forgot that my parents were not home.

Literacy shaped the way I feel when I am frightened or frustrated. I find a great book with a cup of coffee in a quiet area and start to read.

Photo by wuestenigel

The book that changed reading for me at such a young age was "Matilda." When the electricity finally came on we watched the movie "Matilda" and once a year we get together and watch Matilda while eating chocolate cake.

Photo by -room100

The English language is a way for me to express myself and have communication through text. This is a great way to bridge that language barrier and be understanding. I use my literacy skills everyday as a teacher in my classroom. I want to make literacy fun and exciting

I hope I can one day make an impact like my brother and parents made with me. I want to help one student find their way to a great book that helps them feel safe. To find that one book that makes them smile and has a resounding impact on them years later into adulthood. I am able to read any books I want at home and of course age appropriate books for my students. This week we are starting the "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing."

Photo by cuellar