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Literary Elements

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Literary Elements

Photo by Simon Cocks

All fiction is based on conflict and this conflict is presented in a structured format called PLOT

Photo by FulgentKlutz

Use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in the story

Photo by quinn.anya

Inciting Force:
The event or character that triggers the conflict

Photo by Kalexanderson

The essence of fiction.
(creates plot)

Photo by John-Morgan

The Four Types of Conflict

  • Man vs. Self
  • Man vs. Man
  • Man vs. Nature
  • Man vs. Society

Rising Action:
A series of events that builds from the conflict.
It begins with the inciting force and ends with the climax.

Conflict reaches a turning point. At this point the opposing forces in the story meet and the conflict becomes most intense. The crisis occurs before or at the same time as the climax.

The climax is the result of the crisis. It is the high point of the story for the reader. Moment of highest interest and greatest emotion. Point at which the outcome of conflict can be predicted.

Falling Action:
The events after the climax which close the story

Photo by Jesse Kruger

Resolution (Denouncement):
Rounds out and concludes the action