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Literature and Culture

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Liturature and Culture

Photo by Éole

What influences writers/composers
Their environments;where they live, how they live, etc.

Photo by Drkangeltex

Is literature like life?
Yes, it breathes and speaks causing knowledge and promoting understanding. It also has a long setting memory and range of idea. Also it connects back to life. (as in the environment and living things.)

How does literature reveal the values of cultures?
In writing, the style, story, timing, events, problems, setting, etc are all influenced by the writers history, their experiences, or stories that they have heard. Therefore the culture and values of a writer, based on their literary work is shown through the literature use of style, story, timing, events, problems, setting, etc.

Photo by vanhookc

How is our understanding of culture conceived through literature?
When we read or listen to literature, an image is created in your head, an idea, of the people who created it or are doing it. Therefore you get a feel or understanding of their culture and societies.

Photo by GOC53

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