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living things are made of cells

Published on Jan 29, 2016

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living things are made of cells

by:caleb enriquez

first claim

 ( we observed our cheek cells ) 
When we have observed our cheek cells, we can tell when that the cells are living and how they can move. We can tell how the cheek cells has a lot of more parts on the cheek cell. It starts to form, and then it becomes and full cell and you can see them moving on the microscope. The living things in the cells of our cheeks, are alive.

First claim evidence

We have observed our cheek cells. So when we identify them we can tell when they are living by the cells they have inside of them and when they move on the other parts of the cells in your body!

Second claim

theres other type of cells that help us survive
In our body, there are a lot of other cells that help us and provide us for our health more importantly. Like there all cells that block off the bad cells, to prevent cancer and etc. They help us to prevent illness in our lifetime, but after a while when you get weaker and weaker these cells start to die off faster and faster. Also, it provides us to be healthy, and stay fit all of your lifetime. Also, other cells like the Cell membrane and Cell wall, etc. Helps us from cells we can´t reach in our body to actually work on it in real life. It is to complex.

second claim evidence

We can tell if these cells are living, because if we didn´t have other cells that don´t deflect the bad cells, all of us would have been dead by now with cancer and other things in our body. Also they move in our body all the time when we didn´t even know that! So when these cells move in our body we can identify which more cells are important to help us stay and live longer because we should live.

third claim

Cells that live inside of us ;)
Cells that live inside us, are alive. They are moving and wandering its where abouts. They just wait till their parts have to come in action which is when we must stay healthy, and get rid of the bad cells in us to stay and live longer that we can. These cells like cell membranes or cell walls, can help the plants live too, so we survive with these plants and get benefits from them.

third claim evidence

Lastly, all these cells in our body benefit us, and you probably didn´t even know! There are so many benefits from these cells, like we can stay healthy and be strong, live longer and enjoy life without anything going wrong in your body so you can stay healthier and healthier! The main two type of ways that these cells can benefits us in life.
1: Is that most of the cells we have in human body are like organs, the heart, and etc. It makes us life life!
2: are cells that make us stay healthy and stronger in many ways so life will go smoother!


lastly ;)
Overall, Living cells live inside of us, because it can help us and prevent diseases and it can block it. and help us stay healthy forever, and cheek cells help us know what lives in our cheeks, and other cells that help to keep us healthy, and cells that live in us are alive and we can see them! Then all the reasons combined help us identify specific cells in us and help us live even more and stronger!