Living with Anticipation

Published on Feb 08, 2017

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Living with Anticipation

Ephesians 1:1-14

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Focus on Jesus

Called to be an___________________how would you fill in the blank?

Center of true spiritual blessing – yet we seek blessing in so many other places –

God executes His will through Christ – because he loves Him – want to experience God’s love? Be in Christ

God has a plan – and Jesus is the center of it, the one who executes it…….
(Illus. You want to be where the action is…… in the center………..)

Application: God does his work through Christ. If you are not experiencing the work of God in your life, chances are you are not in the center………….Placing Jesus first……………….is the next step………..)

Hold On

to God's plan
Chosen –

eklegomai choose 19,

choose out 1, make choice 1; 21 GK - 1721 { ἐκλέγομαι }

1)      to pick out, choose, to pick or choose out for one’s self, choosing one out of many,

i.e. Jesus choosing his disciples , choosing one for an office, of God choosing whom he judged fit to receive his favours and separated from the rest of mankind to be peculiarly his own and to be attended continually by his gracious oversight

-  of God the Father choosing Christians, as those whom he set apart from the irreligious multitude as dear unto himself, and whom he has rendered, through faith in Christ, citizens in the Messianic kingdom: (James 2:5) so that the ground of the choice lies in Christ and his merits only

allotted portion, a portion of the ministry common to the apostles, used of the part which one will have in eternal salvation -  of salvation itself, the eternal salvation which God has assigned to the saints

Predestined – to decide on ahead of time –

How far ahead of time you ask?

Vs. 4 before the creation of thew orld, its foundation was laid, the plan was in place………

this decision was made without us, but done to us, decided for us

……passive verb……vs. 11

Purposed – to set out plainly – to display – the so called mystery referred to in vs. 9 is revealed made known to us that we all end up under the authority of the son…..
Photo by Janitors


life to God's will
Thelnma – what is willed, what one wishes to happen through ones own actions and the actions of others

Eudokew – it’s the emotional side of the love of God’s election of his people to salvation, divine resolve that ends in the salvation of mankind, to take great pleasure in, to delight in, to be glad of…..often described as the gracious acceptance of a sacrifice

Boulomai – the unchangeable nature of his resolve – connected to thelnma, the resolute will of God as the motive force which gives new life by the word of truth

If you haven’t done the first two its no wonder you can’t do this one, you don’t trust God……….

This plan he has is not changing………….is not up for re-evaluation, is not as some suggest a plan B because God didn’t get it right the first time……….It was laid out independent of me and will be carried out independent of me…….but strangely enough it was designed for me…….

(Illus. Quote from Jared Gerig…………)
Photo by adampiggott


in what Jesus provides
Redemption – to be released or freed for a price that was paid vs. 7

Forgiveness – to release something, let it go,

Adopted - adoption, placed in a position and rights as one’s own child, sonship, in ancient Greek settings used to describe this for both male and female placements………….

(Illus. Compound word that emphasizes being placed in a position of sonship, relationship with a family, rights, and inheritance………..idea is that now I am and before I was not……….ever been on the outside looking in….?)

Holiness – This is a progressive list, you cannot have forgiveness unless you have been redeemed, you cannot be adopted unless you have been forgiven, this holiness,

whose services God employs, for example, apostles, set apart for God,

to be as it were, exclusively his services and offerings, prepared for God

with solemn rite, pure, clean, in a moral sense, pure sinless upright holy

Application: All of this is what God does to me or in me at salvation – you cannot serve God by “doing better” but rather by complete surrender to His provided abilities……

Application: 33 things that happen at salvation……………….
Photo by -MRGT


Our lives – He chose us, vs. 4, he predestined us, vs. 5, grace he has given us vs. 6

Our realization of this leads to praise – one of the reasons we celebrate communion once a month is to help remember the sacrifice of our savior…………if you have forgotten what he has done for you, you won’t praise him.

Praise – to attribute worth, honor, importance to someone or something, give recognition to ………

God’s glory – vs. 5, 12, 14 this phrase occurs – to his glory –

NT New Testament. – someone who is weighty and there fore should be given “room”

How do you sing and praise his glorious grace – pick a song -

Look for Jesus

his return
Everyday is an adventure on the Hubble telescope site.....

never quite know what new discoveries will be made....



Sealed -

σφραγίζω } to set a seal upon, mark with a seal, to seal - 

for security: from Satan - since things sealed up are concealed (as the contents of a letter), to hide, keep in silence, keep secret, in order to mark a person or a thing,

to set a mark upon by the impress of a seal or a stamp - in order to prove, confirm, or attest a thing, authenticate, place beyond doubt, of a written document, to prove one’s testimony to a person that he is what he professes to be

Persevere – having been sealed by the Holy Spirit,
a deposit guaranteeing my inheritance

a redemption a release secured by payment of ransom or price

the day when Jesus comes backt o take up who is rightfully his because he bought and paid for them………….

- purchased possession 1, to obtain + 1519 1, obtaining 1, saving 1, peculiar + 1519 1; 5
GK - 4348 { περιποίησις }, a preserving, a preservation, possession, one’s own property, an obtaining

emphasis on the fact that before, without Jesus, without his purchasing me, I was on the outside looking in, and now I am on the inside,in a different position, different relationship.....

Living with Anticipation

  • Focus on Jesus
  • Hold on
  • Release
  • Walk
  • Sing
  • Look

Michael Cadrette

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