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Logical fallacies

Published on Feb 06, 2016

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Logical fallacies

"Your logic is illogical."
Photo by joeldinda

Slippery Slope

You jump to the worst case scenario
Photo by iwona_kellie

"If you don't allow students to use their phones in class, they wouldn't be able to contact their parents or 911 in an emergency."

Photo by srgpicker

"Don't wake up in a roadside ditch; get rid of cable and switch to Direct TV."

Photo by heanster


You twist someone's argument to make it easier to attack
Photo by Marxchivist

Student: "You should buy us pizza."
Teacher: "No."
Student: "I can't believe you want us to starve!"

Photo by djwtwo

Politician: "We should regulate CO2 emissions from cars."
Opponent: "We can't get rid of cars! How would people get to work?"

Red Herring

distracts from the real issue
Photo by timparkinson

Student: "Why should I study math? I don't want to be a math teacher."

Photo by solofotones

Ms. Ellsberry: "okay. 10 minutes for journals."
Beeby: "Wait. You don't have internet?"

Ad hominem

"mudslinging" or opponent bashing
Photo by LaVladina

Politician: My opponent is a liar! He cheated on his sat!

Photo by theqspeaks

ad populum

Photo by Iagology

Politician: "75% of Americans want to raise the minimum wage."

Photo by terrypresley

Hasty generalization

making assumptions based on too little info
Photo by ⌡K

"I didn't like Romeo and Juliet in 9th grade and my brother didn't like Hamlet. All Shakespeare must suck."

Photo by Swamibu

post hoc, Ergo Propter hoc

Because B comes after A, A must cause B
Photo by harold.lloyd

"President Jones raised taxes, and then crime rates increased. Jones is responsible for the rise in crime."

Photo by davidciani

"President Jones raised taxes, and then crime rates increased. Jones is responsible for the rise in crime."

Photo by davidciani

false dichotomy

giving only two options when there are really more
Photo by arnybo

"Caldwell Hall is in bad shape. Either we tear it down and build a new hall or we put students' safety at risk."

Photo by WarzauWynn

Anecdotal evidence

Using a personal story to prove a point
Photo by ventanium

My brother bought a ford and had to replace the transmission and battery within four years. Ford vehicles are poorly constructed. Don't buy!

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