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Lord Of The Flies

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Photo by PhillipC

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  • Piggy's glasses are stolen and the fire is gone
  • Ralph's group starts creating a plan to get Piggy's specs back
  • Ralph goes to Jack's group with Piggy, Sam, and Eric hiding behind Ralph

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  • Ralph brings the conch along with him to castle rock
  • Ralph's group confronts Jack and calls him a thief
  • Ralph's group gets attacked and tied up

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  • Jack calls himself chief after acting wildly
  • Piggy is struck with a large rock, falls off a cliff, and dies right in front of Ralph
  • Ralph was wounded by a spear from Jack


  • What is the importance of Ralph bringing the conch with him to castle rock?
  • What is the similarity between Jack and Ralph's groups?
  • What are the results of the hunters capturing Sam and Eric?
  • How do you think Ralph is affected by Piggy's death?