Lost in the Maze

Published on Apr 28, 2018

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Name, Motivation, Anxiety Scale
Photo by Joel Filipe

lost in the maze

Social Justice Learning & Teaching for White Educators

Untitled Slide

As educators, we often approach the crisis of racism from the limited scope of "stereotyping" -- if that was realistic characterization of the problem we could just have a BBQ with some team building exercises and solve the whole issue.

Racism is not the problem of a few evil people making life annoying for all the rest of us nice people.

This reductive approach serves to harmfully over-simplify the issue as an interpersonal problem from a few hateful people, and justify our complicity in institutional and cultural oppression.

While reductive, and much less critical and challenging view


Is there a gap between espousing and enacting a social justice agenda among educators?
Photo by Joel Filipe

Beyond Good Intentions

Espousing v. Enacting a Social Justice Agenda
Baxter-Magolda, Contested issues in student affairs

"There are risks we take when we enact social justice. It is not safe work, it requires us to extend beyond inclusive words to bold actions that reveal our willingness to take risks on behalf of our commitments." p 385

chalk talk

What would our world look and feel like if we achieved our social justice agenda?
Photo by Joel Filipe


socio-cultural context

Anti-Bias Teaching & Learning


Magolda 388 "Developing our own critical consciousness and self-reflexivity must precede seeking to develop the same in students. Do we understand he issues we are seeking to address? What world -view informs our perspectives? How may we be implicated in the conditions we seek to change? what fears do we have about doing social justice work? Have we done our own work of internal healing in relation to the social justice issues we seek to address? To become effective agents of soial hcange, we must begin withoutselves."


Thoughts & Emotions
Photo by Joel Filipe

the maze


Dead end Thinking patterns


Read & Gallery Walk
Photo by Joel Filipe


Photo by Joel Filipe


"It's not my fault"
Fritz Scholder

"This is America, everyone is equal"


"It's not that big of a deal"
Bucky Echo-Hawk

"Stop freaking out about it"
"Why are they always mad?"


"They should have known better"
Teri Greeves


"There was violence on both sides"

it was unintentional

"They didn't mean to"

it's all over now

"Get over it"

counterattack & competing victimization

"They're taking our jobs"

Untitled Slide

veil of ignorance

Thought Experiment
Photo by Joel Filipe

White fragility

Photo by whisperwolf

indian education for all

whitewashed curriculum

social structural relationships

Power & Privilege
Photo by August Brill

culturally relevant sustaining frameworks

social justice & accountability

Dismantling the Maze
its not enough to point to the few people who made it through as examples. We can't just practice producing better maps. Our work as educators is dismantling the maze.

One minute paper

What is your big idea from today?
Photo by Joel Filipe


References & Evaluations
Photo by Joel Filipe

Marianne Brough

Haiku Deck Pro User