Share a time when you are blinded in love.
Love is blind. Sometimes when people are “in love” they tend to only see what they want to see, hence they often ignore all the “bad” about their relationship and only focus on the “good.”
Love does not tolerate wrongdoing.
Share a time when you tolerated a wrongdoing of a friend and the consequences that came out of it.
Love takes pleasure in what is true. .
How has accepting the truth helped you build a stronger relationship with someone?
Love sees a need and acts upon it.
Share of a time when you met a need out of compassion and love for a person. How did you feel after helping him or her?
How does being truthful help us become more intimate in our relationships?
How would speaking the truth in love help in the growth of our relationships?
What enables us to act and meet a need?
What area in your life do you feel that you still compromise in? How do you plan to deal with this?
How can you apply speaking the truth out of love this week?
What one practical and specific thing can you do this week to show God’s love to another person?