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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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  • Keep your building protected of any intruders
  • Ensure that our professional biometric systems are accurate
  • Provide the proper safety and protective care for your company

Our security plan consists of taking a series of biometric testing to gain access in and through your facility. The first test is the badge scanner. The second test is the fingerprint scanner. The last test is the retinal eye scanner. No matter where you are in the buliding, you must be able to show your picture badge at all times. If you fail to pass any of the biometric testing then our security system will alert our company and your building security guards that the system has been breached.

The badge scanner is located at the doors used for entering the building. You must run your badge through the scanner in order to get into the building.
The light will turn green if your badge has been successfully scanned.

The fingerprint scanner will be located inside the building where it is needed. Most likely where there are classified documents that only certain people can see. For example, if there was a room with classified gov. info. and only a certain leveled agent could see it, a fingerprint would be needed to identify that this person is of those who is allowed to get in to that room.

Photo by Myles!

The retinal eye scanner will also be used with getting into certain parts of the building. The eye scanner will be a backup test incase there is a problem with the fingerprint scanner. Also, it will be used as a backup if more genetic information is needed. For example, if the fingerprint scanner isn't able to read the DNA properly, the eye scanner is the next step.

Fingerprinting works 99% of the time. This system is very fast and efficient. It verifies up to 40,000 prints per second. Limitations usually apply to the type of scanner you use, but with the Touch-print 4100 your only limitations would be the cost and size.

Just like fingerprints, retinals are unique in each person. They seem to be the most precise and reliable in biometrics aside from DNA. However, its accuracy is limited due to the illnesses that affect the eyes. The failure rate is 1 to 1,000,000.


Badge scanners are accurate in verifying information and imposing strict restrictions. Its' limitation is actually verifying the person holding the card.

It would be easy to hack the fingerprinting system because there is a gelatin-like substance that you can put over your fingers to throw off the touchpad's sensors off. Throwing off the sensors cause the machine to read the fingerprints wrong and let it assume you're someone else.

The eye scanner can easily be beat because of the illnesses that can affect your eyes. For exapmle, having a severe astigmatism can affect the way the machine examines your eye and its inner structure.

The badge scanner can't easily be beaten because some badges are made with a special computer chip. When that badge is put in the scanner, the scanner is programed to detect the chip to verify that it's accurate.

Woodford, Chris. "Biometric Fingerprint Scanners." Http://www.explainthatstuff.com/fingerprintscanners.html. 3 June 2014. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.

Heard, Matt. "Retinal Scan." Http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinal_scan. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.

"Personal Identity Verification Interoperability (PIV-I) for Non-Federal Issuers: Trusted Identities for Citizens across States, Counties, Cities and Businesses." Http://www.nascio.org/events/webinars/Smart_Card_Alliance-PIV-I_White_Paper.... 1 Jan. 2011. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.