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Published on Apr 05, 2016

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History of LSD

  • LSD was created by a chemist working for Sandoz Pharmaceuticals named Albert Hoffman
  • Originated in Switzerland
  • Was originally made to be a blood stimulant, but when it was accidentally consumer by Hoffman he got super high

What Type of Drug?

  • LSD is a hallucinogen formally known as acid
  • Acid creates vivid visual hallucinations as well as hearing hallucinations
Photo by SurFeRGiRL30

What Does LSD Do?

  • LSD can either give you a good "trip", or a bad "trip"
  • Hallucinations can either haunt someone for life and be a good and comforting memory

More About LSD

  • LSD is synthetically manufatured
  • LSD is usually taken in tabs, but can also be taken in other ways

Downside of LSD

  • You can get acid flashbacks even if you've been clean of the drug for years
  • You can get seizures while on LSD, which can cause brain damage
  • You can be randomly unaware of your surroundings whether you are on or off the drug

LSD Punishments

  • from 10 years to life in prison, depending on how many times you got caught and how much LSD you were selling


Photo by swanksalot