Birth Ludwig’s exact birth day is not known. People say it is December 16 or 17, 1770. Ludwig also thought he had was born in 1772. Even after looking at official papers, he still insisted that he was born in 1772.
Life as A Child As a child, he was very in to music. When his mother died, his alcoholic father had started making him pratice the piano whenever he wanted. He would also beat Ludwig.
Education His father was the first to start teaching him. He wanted Beethoven to be a musical prodigy just like Wolfgang Mozart. His first public recital was on March 26, 1778 and called it “little son of 6 years.” He also went to a latin grade school called Tirocinium. He had spelling and sums issues for all of his life. He wasn’t a good or bad student, he was just a normal student. He dropped out of school at 10 and studied music full time with Christian Gottlob Neefe.