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Thanks for all your hard work on behalf of our students. We really appreciate what you do everyday.

This session is intended to be helpful not to criticize.
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Lunchroom Supervisors

Published on Mar 17, 2016

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Lunchroom Supervisors

Thanks for all your hard work on behalf of our students. We really appreciate what you do everyday.

This session is intended to be helpful not to criticize.
Photo by vgm8383

Safety First

Your primary job is to keep kids safe.

Do you know who has health concerns?

Are you the first one outside?

Are you scanning the yard for dangers.

Learn Names

Names are so important. I have ordered you all name tags so that the students and staff learn your names.

Please know all the students in your lunchrooms, learn the names of students that you see regularly outside.

Be Proactive

Watch for potential problems instead of reacting to issues after they have happened.

Scan the yard continuously for problems brewing.

Find safe areas for students to play that are getting into issues with other students or who are skipping where it is busy or standing behind a door.
Photo by Al_HikesAZ

Communicate Effectively

Communicate effectively.

Give short instructions and repeat as needed.

Communicate good days as well as poor days to staff and students.

Let the office know if you are having any ongoing issues with your duty.
Photo by Andrew_Writer

Positive Climate

You create the weather in your class. Be Positive.

Try saying three positive things before any negatives.

Set each day up to be positive. "Today is going to be a great day!"

Students want to be liked.
Photo by MSVG

Helping Hands

We generally have a "hands off" policy when it comes to students.

We want to promote independence and anytime we grab onto students we run the risk of contributing to an injury.

Especially when frustrated-walk away, ask for help, follow up at a later time.
Photo by lavishlylush

Team work

Use your team. One person sweep the hall for slow to get dressed students while the rest of the team is outside promptly.

Get help from a teacher or other lunchroom supervisor if your area is very busy.
