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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Martin Luther was born in Germany on November 10, 1483. He was suppose to become a lawyer but quickly found a passion for religion.

Martin Luther entered a monastery but it was not his true ideal of Christianity. He found the experience tough to deal with.

Over the years Martin Luther became more frustrated with the church. In 1517, he nailed his 95 Theses to the University of Wittenberg's chapel door.

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The 95 Theses was a strong indictment against the church. It mainly argued against the sale of indulgences and the corruption of the clergy.


Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church in January 1521.

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Luther remained a fugitive from the law for the rest of his life. Officially he created a new sect of Christianity now known as Lutheranism.

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Lutheranism is one of the oldest Protestant Churches in existence. It's epicenter is in Germany.

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  • The bible is the ultimate authority
  • Praying to saints is idolatry
  • Salvation comes from "faith alone"
  • Baptism and the Lord's Supper
  • Bible should be available in all languages

There are two major Lutheran Churches in America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS).

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The ELCA is the less conservative of the two. It is open to the possibility of errors in the bible. They also allow women to be ordained.

The ELCA does not have a problem with homosexuality or abortion.

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The LCMS is very conservative. They strongly disagree with the ELCA's progressive stance on the controversial issues previously stated.

"The LCMS unequivocally teaches that homosexuality behavior is intrinsically sinful because it is contrary to God's Word. In love, we want to help the person caught up in the homosexual life to repent of his sin and receive God's forgiveness.

Overall, Martin Luther changed Christianity forever, creating the Protestant denomination which Lutheranism sprang out of.

Barry, A.L. The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. The Difference Between the ELCA and the LCMS. Retrieved LCMs.org/Document.fdoc?src=lcm&id=1098
Martin Luther. (2014). The Biography.com Website. Retrieved Oct 7,2014 http://www.biography.com/people/Martin-Luther-9389283