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Lyndon Johnson

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Lyndon Johnson was born August 27, 1908 in Stonewall, Texas. He died of a heart attack January 22, 1973 in his birthplace, Stonewall, Texas.

Photo by cliff1066™

Samuel Johnson Jr. and Rebekah Baines Johnson raised Lyndon. He was one of five siblings, Rebekah Jr., Josefa, Lucia, & Sam Johnson. After Marrying Claudia Taylor, he had 2 children, Lynda Bird & Lucia Baines.


When Lyndon was a child he went to a one- room, ""Junction School"". He cut school short because he got whopping cough. His family moved to Johnson City when he was in first grade. He graduated high school in 1924.

Lyndon had many unusual jobs. He was an elevator operator, road constructor, janitor, office helper, teacher, public speaker, senate, Vice President, and then President.

Photo by trainman74

Lyndon Johnson took JFK presidential spot after he was assassinated. After his presidency ended, he was reelected but declined the second term. He also signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Johnson also created Medicare & the Head- Start program.

Johnson wanted Civil Rights for every race so he was involved in signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Lyndon Johnson was very big on equality of race.

Photo by jacdupree

Lyndon Johnson's impact on America was mostly because of his creation of Medicare & Head- Start. These influenced and impacted health, education & urban renewal.

What I take from this quote is that, people shouldn't judge anyone by their color. Anyone who doesn't give opportunity to someone because of race, is just supporting racism.

Lyndon had nicknames such as ""Bull Johnson, Lightbulb Johnson & Landslide Johnson"". Lyndon was raised on a small farm in Texas. He served in WWII.