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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Music project



  • Fleetwood Mac-Rhiannon
  • 1975
  • Soft Rock
  • Hippie movement, very laid back

soft rock relates to the hippie movement in the 70's, this movement was associated with rock music and laid back and accepting attitudes. Soft rock is very easy to listen to and is a pretty laid back genre, it is relaxing.

Photo by pamhule

Popular artists of the 70's
1. Stevie Wonder
2. Led Zeppelin
3. Elton John
4. Pink Floyd
5. Rolling Stones
6. The Eagles
7. Marvin Gaye
8. Queen
9. James Brown
10. The Who

Photo by geishaboy500

Soft rock is derived from folk rock and rock music. definitely influenced soft rock. The use of acoustics in soft rock was developed from folk rock and the instruments they used. Soft rock influenced other types of rock music for the future such as, punk rock in the 80's and even grunge in the 90's. Soft rock primarily influenced alternative and contemporary music. It wouldn't be inappropriate to give soft rock credit for those genres altogether.

Photo by jenny downing

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  • The song "rhiannon" is soft rock and is moderately slow. It is a very relaxing song to listen to and Stevie Nicks' is pretty much queen hippie of the 70's (and all time)

Rhiannon is a love song, this was common for soft rock songs especially in the 70's.

Foster the people, I would do anything for you, 2011, alternative
I love it. it's alternative and new but still classic in a way
both are soft, and alternative sounding. Both are about love. prominent piano
Foster the people's song has a lot more instruments that are computerized, but still uses acoustics.
It provides a new sound to something classic and timeless.