I have known my sister for 16 years. We met on March 14, 2000. We are tight homies, and we have an unspoken bond through genetics, consciousness, and the Source Field overall.
As brother and sister, we vibrate on relative frequencies, and we have an interconnected consciousness that reaches much further than this physical reality that we are used to. When we are in deep discussion, there is almost a sense of telepathic communication when it comes to expressing visual concepts through verbal intellect. This is a phenomenon that has been analysed in
numerous cases, involving very close friends, siblings, and long lasting partners. There are many theories as to what exactly is occurring, and I lean towards a philosophy that is described in David Wilcock's "The Source Field Investigations". He describes the existence of a field which acts as an information source for the entire Universe, where time and space do not
exist as we know it. In a nutshell, this field is the source of all matter, energy, biology, and consciousness, allowing for a phenomenon such as I have described, to be a direct act of this so called Source Field.
In conclusion, the internal connection between me and my sister is that of two intertwined realities, co-existing amongst something that is somewhat separate from this space-time continuum.
Externally, our relationship would appear as two buddies who are hanging out and having fun. It may be challenging for an observer to follow our deep discussions, leading back to my point on words only being part of the overall communication.
I would symbolize the relationship as the interaction of Water and Earth, as my star sign is Pisces (Water) and my sister's is Taurus (Earth). Earth requires water in order to become more fruitful and lively, and water can accomplish far greater tasks with the aid of the Earth, rather than on its own.
For family reasons, which I will not go in to detail about, we had very little interaction from when I was around 12 years old until about 6 months ago. We were not very close during this time, and it was not that we didn not like each other, it was more to do with a greater issue that was unfolding. Now we are back to being the siblings we were when we were young and uninfluenced. We overcame this difficulty simply by pursuing a greater depth perspective on the surrounding universe through human interaction and bonding.
It takes a strain off of my parents, as their children have finally been reunited. I am sure it can be very nostalgic for them, and sometimes stir up old emotions.