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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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My deity

My deity is Ma'at

Ma'at and her physical appearance.
She is a woman with a white ostrich feather on her head carrying a scepter in one hand and a ankh in the other. Ma'at is sometimes shown as a winged goddess.

Ma'at and her job

  • Her job was to weigh the heart and the feather to see if they were a good or bad soul.
  • Ma'at was the goddess of truth and judgement.

Major or minor
She was a major deity. She represented The Primal Laws of the Universe that supported creation and prevented the world from falling into chaos. This was a crucial rule. She stood for balance and harmony

Relation to Ma'at
She was the daughter of Ra and she was the wife of Thoth. She had 8 children with Thoth and the most well known was Amon.

Photo by delphaber

Ma'at and her name in hieroglyphs

Her is a picture of Ma'at's name in hieroglyphics.

Ma'at and her myth.

Egyptians believed that after death their hearts would be weighed against the feather of truth. If the heart weighed the same as the feather they were sent to the afterlife. But if the heart weighed more then the feather the would be devoured by the crocodile headed God Ammut.

Facts about Ma'at
The feather of Ma'at became the hieroglyph for truth. 1 of her powers were to give other gods the ability to breathe.The earliest references to Ma'at are in ancient Egyptian pyramid age.

The End

This was made by Cheyenne Anders. #3