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Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Battle between Normandy and Scotland
Both sides were tired, Macbeth fought loyally with king Duncan

Photo by Etrusia UK

The old thane of candor seen as a traitor for allying with Norwegian Rebels

Photo by OnTask

Macbeth and Banquo encounter the three witches.
''All hail, Macbeth! Hail thee, thane glamis!''
''All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane o candor!''

Photo by Len Radin

After the encounter With the three witches, Macbeth and Banquo meet Lennox and Ross who inform them of macbeths new title.

Macbeth writes a letter to his wife telling her he's thane of cawdor, he also informs her of the witches prophecies

Once Macbeth returns home, his wife convinces him how to plan the murder of the king so they can come into power.

Photo by taod

Macbeth is unsure about murdering the king, but lady Macbeth urges him it is the right choice.

Photo by sylvrilyn

Once king Duncan arrives lady Macbeth puts on a fake face to appear happy and humble to the king.

Contemplating what's to come, Macbeth talks to his dagger😱😱

Photo by sprungli

Macbeth enters Duncan's room once he's asleep, standing over his Bed, he's unsure if he should do it.

While pacing Back and forth, Macbeth knocks over a lamp, it falls to the ground with a crash.

Duncan wakes up, panicked Macbeth plunges his dagger into Duncan's throat.

Photo by contemplicity

Quickly realizing what he's done, he blows up and begins stabbing Duncan's body repeatedly .

Photo by matthileo

Once all was done, covered in blood, Macbeth sits on the floor and cries.

He recuperates himself and goes in the hall and joins lady Macbeth, she tells him to clean up and put his pajamas on and forget about this mess.