Lady Macbeth
Manipulation, Ambition, & Kingship
Supporting claim 1:
Letter from Macbeth
Evidence #1
Lady Macbeth; "Glamis thou art, and Cawdor and shalt be what thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature."
Act 1 Scene 5; Lines 15-16
Keeping promise
Doesn't have what it takes
Supporting claim 2:
Manipulating Macbeth
Murder Duncan
Evidence #2:
Lady Maacbeth; "When you durst do it, then you were man and to be a man than what you were you would be so much more the man."
Act 1 Scene 7; Lines 56-58
If to follow through, thy would be more of a man
Supporting claim 3:
Manipulation & convincing continues
Lady Macbeth- Queen
Evidence #3:
Lady Macbeth; "But screw your courage to the sticking place and we'll not fail."
Act 1 Scene 7; Lines 70-71
Not enough courage will fail thee
Enough courage won't fail thy
Supporting claim 4:
Kingship taking over
Kill for royality
Evidence #4:
Lady Macbeth; "These deeds must not be thought after, these ways, So it will make us mad."
Act 2 Scene 2; Lines 45-46
Doesn't want the thought of murder for it will make thee go crazy
Macbeth responsible for the tragedy, cause of his ambition for king?
Evidence #1:
Macbeth; "This push will cheer me ever or (disseat) me now."
Act 5 Scene 3; Lines 24-25
"Give me mine armor."
Act 5 Scene 3; Lines 44-45
Fight to stay king
Fail and loose thy kingship
Refuting claim:
Macbeth responsible for the tragedy, consider this...
Evidence #1:
Lady Macbeth; "Go, get some water and wash this filthy witness from your hand."
Act 2 Scene 2; Lines 60-61
Lady Macbeth; "Naughts had, all's spent, where our desire is got without content."
Act 3 Scene 2; Lines 6-7
Very calm & helpful
Trying to get rid of evidence
Desire for something, but feels no satisfaction
Lady Macbeth
Ambition, Manipulation, and Kingship