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Macro Molecules

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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By: Kathleen Steeves

Building block: Monosaccharide
Large Molecule: Polysaccharide
Function: Energy storage,receptors, structure of plant cell wall
To Identify, look for: Made of C, H, and O; -OH's of all carbons except one.

Building block: Amino Acid
Large Molecule: Polypeptide
Function: enzyms, structure, receptors, transport, and more
To Identify, look for:Contain N, have N-C-C backbone

Nucleic Acid
Building block: Nucleotide
Large Molecule: Polynucleotide
Function: Information storage and transfer
To Identify, look for: Contain N in. Rings, nucleotides made of sugar, phosphate and nitrogenous base

(Lipids are not polymers)
Building block: Glycerol, Fatty Acids
Large Molecule: Fats, Oils, Waxes, Phosopholipids, steroids
Function: membrane structure, energy storage, insulation
To Identify, look for: made of C,H and O;lots of C-H Bonds; may have some C=C bonds (unsaturated); steroids have 4 rings.