"A sweatshop is a manufacturing facility where workers endure poor working conditions, long hours, low wages and other violations of labour rights" (OXFAM).
What is the Issue?
- Exploitation of people (no human rights)
- Workers are unable to benefit from work
- Extreme inequality with money distribution
- We are contributing to the issue here
Working conditions in Canada:
- minimum wage: $10/$11
- 8 hours/day with breaks
- Mandatory breaks given by employers
- Mandatory safety routes and training
- File against employer if presence of abuse
Conditions in Sweatshops:
- Earn only $40-45 per MONTH!
- Work 12-18 hours everyday!
- Bars on windows (cannot leave)
- No Fire escapes (blocked)
- Physical and mental abuse
Discussion Question:
Is "providing a living for poor people" a good reason to continue the use of sweatshops?
Brief history
- 1840's: textile industry (England, New England)
- 19th century: work moved into factories from home
- 20th century: rapid industrialization and urbanization
- "The New Deal" decreased sweatshops
- Globalization brought rise to sweatshops again
Why do they exist? What is the cause?
- Circumstances of country (colonization effects)
- Globalization and "Free Trade"
- Consumers want low prices, companies want profit
- Workers unable to fight back
- Corporations and big companies
Discussion Question:
Social change takes decades to come. How long do you think our labour market will shift to a more fair wage/ laws? Why?
Collapse of rana plaza
- Entire building collapsed after previous factory fire
- April 23, 2013
- 2000 workers working in small building
- Joe Fresh Company
Why should we care about sweatshops?
- Developing countries trapped in poverty
- Third World poverty means continued overpopulation
- It is preventing countries from improving their conditions (no education)
- We are paying to violate human rights
Discussion Question:
If you were to be Prime Minister, what measures would you take against sweatshops?
- It starts with the consumer: Buy from Fair Trade Apparels
- Pressure international organizations to improve conditions
- Key is not to boycott but to improve conditions
- Spreading awareness will increase importance of issue
- Will allow countries to observe the changes