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I decided that I was interested in interviewing new mothers. I was talking to my friend about this project and she told me that she knew people who were new parents, and so I scheduled a Skype interview with each.
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Madeline Wood Interview of New Parents Names of Contributors: Brenda Smith Alysia Aguilar

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Madeline Wood
Interview of New Parents

Names of Contributors:
Brenda Smith
Alysia Aguilar

I decided that I was interested in interviewing new mothers. I was talking to my friend about this project and she told me that she knew people who were new parents, and so I scheduled a Skype interview with each.
Photo by VinothChandar

Brenda Smith Interview

Interview conducted on September 9, 2014 at approx. 3:15 pm.
After interviewing I discovered her main concern was making sure her kids were spiritually grounded. She wants to make sure that her newborn and her older son are both "smothered with love" and raised to know Jesus and in a Christian environment. Sleep is also a challenge because she has to entirely adapt her schedule to her baby's schedule and still doesn't get enough sleep. She also finds it difficult to balance a job and mothership.
Photo by VinothChandar

Alysia Aguilar Interview

Interview conducted on Sept. 11, 2014 at approx. 1:45 pm.
After interviewing I discovered some of her largest challenges are making sure she gives attention to her newborn and her older child, getting enough sleep, and financing a newborn. She tries to take turns with chores with husband, but it is still an exhausting role.
Photo by tom-kemp

Untitled Slide

It is hard to get enough sleep with a newborn, and hard to balance your own needs as well as theirs.

It is hard to divvy enough attention to both kids when you have a newborn and an older child.

Having a newborn is expensive.
Photo by quinn.anya

Nap Pods

at work
I think that businesses should have small private cot's in the break room that employees can choose to use instead of a lunch break if they would like to. People who are very exhausted would greatly benefit from the extra sleep, and this would be especially beneficial to new mothers who get very little sleep at home.
Photo by blentley