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Slide Notes

4. Make and Help Others Make Action Commitments p. 37 (Slide Competency #4)
Awareness: Understands the Intent and Form of Effective Action Commitments (Slide 4A)
The Action Commitment Conversation
Documenting Action Commitments
Application: Helps Groups Commit to Action (Slide 4B)
Managing Transitions Approach to Change
The Bridges’ transition Model
The Prochaska and DiClemente Stages of Change Model
Mastery: Helps Groups Align Action Commitments (Slide 4C)
MBTI Preferences: Aligning Action to Strengths
MBTI Preferences: Align Strengths to Tasks
High Action/High Alignment p. 43
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Make Action Commitments

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Make Action Commitments

Make and Help Others
4. Make and Help Others Make Action Commitments p. 37 (Slide Competency #4)
Awareness: Understands the Intent and Form of Effective Action Commitments (Slide 4A)
The Action Commitment Conversation
Documenting Action Commitments
Application: Helps Groups Commit to Action (Slide 4B)
Managing Transitions Approach to Change
The Bridges’ transition Model
The Prochaska and DiClemente Stages of Change Model
Mastery: Helps Groups Align Action Commitments (Slide 4C)
MBTI Preferences: Aligning Action to Strengths
MBTI Preferences: Align Strengths to Tasks
High Action/High Alignment p. 43
Photo by Neal.

Understand the Intent and Form of

Effective Action Commitments
Awareness: Understands the Intent and Form of Effective Action Commitments (Slide 4A)

The Action Commitment Conversation

Documenting Action Commitments

Commit to Action

Helps Groups
Application: Helps Groups Commit to Action (Slide 4B)

Managing Transitions Approach to Change

The Bridges’ transition Model

The Prochaska and DiClemente Stages of Change Model

Align Action Commitments

Helps Groups
Mastery: Helps Groups Align Action Commitments

MBTI Preferences: Aligning Action to Strengths

MBTI Preferences: Align Strengths to Tasks

High Action/High Alignment p. 43

Photo by rishibando

Accountable for Action Commitments

Be and Help Others Be
5. Be and Help Others Be Accountable for Action Commitments p.44 (Slide Competency #5)
The Importance of Accountability Conversations
The Accountability Pathway
Awareness: Understands and Uses the Accountability Pathway (Slide 5A)
Application: Helps Groups Hold Accountability for Action Commitments (Slide 5B)
Mastery: Strengthens the Group’s Capacity to be Accountable for Action (Slide 5C)
Orientation Toward Accountability
• Holding accountability is developmental.
• Variation in holding accountability is normal.
• Discussing accountability can be uncomfortable.
• Direct and candid conversation about accountability are productive.
Accountability Conversations: Hold the Lightness
MBTI Insights: Owning Accountability
Photo by Noël Zia Lee

The Accountability Pathway

Understands and Uses
Awareness: Understands and Uses the Accountability Pathway (Slide 5A)

Helps Groups Hold Accountability

For Action Commitments
Application: Helps Groups Hold Accountability for Action Commitments (Slide 5B)

Strengthens the Groups's Capacity

To be Accountable for Action
Mastery: Strengthens the Group’s Capacity to be Accountable for Action (Slide 5C)

Orientation Toward Accountability
• Holding accountability is developmental.
• Variation in holding accountability is normal.
• Discussing accountability can be uncomfortable.
• Direct and candid conversation about accountability are productive.

Accountability Conversations: Hold the Lightness

MBTI Insights: Owning Accountability

Group Dynamics

Observe and Respond to
6. Observe and Respond to Group Dynamics p. 53 (Slide Competency #6)
Awareness: Maps Who is Saying What and What Role He or She Plays in the Group (Slide 6A)
The Mapped Observation
The Five-Step Process to Observe and Respond
Application: Observes, Understands, and Responds to Patterns of Behavior in Groups (Slide 6B)
Notice Feelings
Mastery: Helps Groups Move Through Difficult Conversations (Slide 6C)
Examples of Types of Conversations
Types of Group Behavior

Maps Who is Saying What and

What Role He or She Plays in the Group
Awareness: Maps Who if Saying What and What Role He or She Plays in the Group (Slide 6A)
Photo by jovike

Paterns of Behavior in Groups

Observes, Understands and Responds to
Application: Observes, Understands, and Responds to Patterns of Behavior in Groups (Slide 6B)

Difficult Conversations

Helps Groups Move Through
Mastery: Helps Groups Move Through Difficult Conversations (Slide 6C)
Photo by bryanzug

Assess and Address Conflict

7. Assess and Address Conflict p. 64 (Slide Competency #7)
Awareness: Understands Own and Others’ Orientation Toward Conflict (Slide 7A)
Orientation Toward Conflict
Conflict Resolution Assumptions
Application: Introduces the Applies the Circle of Conflict (Slide 7B)
Circle of Conflict Adaptation
• Relationship conflicts
• Language conflicts
• Data conflicts
• Interest conflicts
• Structural conflicts
• Values conflicts
Applying the Circle of Conflict Adaptation in Different Roles
1. Mediator
2. Neutral Facilitator
3. Participant
Step 1: Generate Hypotheses About the Sources of Conflict
Step 2: Frame Conversations to Address Specific Sources of Conflict
Step 3: Make Decisions About How to Resolve Conflict
Mastery: Supports Groups in Addressing Conflict and Moving to Action (Side 7C)
Photo by charleebrown

Oreintation to Conflict

Understands Own and Others'
Awareness: Understands Own and Others’ Orientation Toward Conflict (Slide 7A)
Photo by Calsidyrose

Circle of Conflict

Introduces and Applies the 
Application: Introduces the Applies the Circle of Conflict (Slide 7B)
Photo by jenny downing

Supports Groups
Addressing Conflict
Moving to Action

Mastery: Supports Groups in Addressing Conflict and Moving to Action (Side 7C)
Photo by 7thArmyJMTC