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Malicious Codes Quest

Published on Dec 02, 2015

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Malicious Codes Quest

By Dillon Zatchok
Photo by gui.tavares

Computer Viruses

What are computer viruses?
Photo by tranchis

Computer Viruses

  • a computer virus is a written code and can cause lots of problems
  • Viruses are written codes by people
  • Viruses are desined to play annoying tricks on the computer like pop ups
Photo by Don Hankins

Computer viruses 2

  • When you open mail there could be a viruses in there
  • Buy or download a anti viruses program to protect your computer
  • you can also spot viruses by not doing some of these things
Photo by NIAID

how to prevent Viruses

  • Do not install anything without checking it.
  • do not go on sites that say no viruses or virus free.
  • don't go and just spyware to protect your computer check it to because they can have viruses
  • do not just go on the site or download it if it says "virus detected" or "virus alert"
Photo by talksrealfast


What are worms?
Photo by soloyo/soloyo


  • like a computer viruses but spread through networks.
  • the sheer amount of computer and band they soak up.
  • Worms could do many more stuff thats uknown to people

Worms 2

  • they come when you open spam mail in your mail box.
  • use an anti-virus to prevent them or destroy them
  • do not Stop and check to see if its spam mail by not opening things it could protect you from worms.
Photo by dreyboblue

How to protect yourself from Worms

  • check if you have installed a virus detector and you go on a site and it says "virus detected" then leave the site
  • if it doesn't than you can go on it.
  • most of the websites that say virus free are usally going to do that when they have a virus
Photo by Rick Bolin

Trojan horse

what are trojan horses?
Photo by TahoeSunsets

Trojan horses

  • a non rebelcating program that appears to be useful
  • it does something with the ill-Intel and ether destroys it or thrashes it.
  • it could also make some of your important stuff dissaper and not be there

Trojan horses 2

  • they come when you download something free
  • have a anti virus ready and use it to see if any of the free soft wares have a virus
  • and with the viruses protecter and you use it to check what you want to install you can protect your self from these

How to prevent Trojan horses

  • Check the app you want to install with an virus detector.
  • if it says yes than don't install it.
  • if it says no than you can install it.
Photo by AlishaV


What is Adware?
Photo by Esthr


  • Makes pop up every where
  • displays ads on or pop ups and is very harmless
  • EX:dogs on a dance site.

Adware 2

  • usually in installed with something free
  • An anti virus software dont really help but they can help you stop from downloading.
  • its hard to get ride of but easy to get thats why its good to have a viruses detecter
Photo by TahoeSunsets

How to not get adware

  • Have a virus checker app and check the app that you want to install
  • if it says no then you can install it
  • if it doesn't then you have to find a non virus
Photo by trekkyandy


What is Spyware?
Photo by Br3nda


  • you get them when download any type of software.
  • Spyware blocker stops it from coming in your computer it could also kill the virus if it was in the computer
  • but sometimes it gives you Spyware.
Photo by froboy

Spyware 2

  • a program that is not fairly harmless and hard to get ride of.
  • Installed on the computer when your not looking.
  • it can also can pretend to be harmless and useful
Photo by anylorak18

how to not get spyware,adware,worms,trogon.

  • first spyware what you do is to check a free app first to see if it has spyware

How to pro vent spyware

  • 1. download a spyware blocker
  • if the blocker doesn't work or gives you the virus than you get a virus detecter
  • and if that dosen't work use a virus destroyer.
Photo by digitpedia

The End

By dillon zatchok
Photo by Marcus Vegas