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Manawatu Gorge Walk

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Manawatu Gorge Walk

It had taken us a couple of hours travel to get here but it was worth it.

It wasn't warm it was very windy but the bush mainly blocked the breeze. The first view of the river was a good view.

Photo by Arbron

When we got into the bush there were silver ferns everywhere you couldn’t walk 10 meters without finding a fern.

Photo by Arbron

There were lots of boards with some information on them or a QRcode that make bird sounds.

This sign explained why the gorge always have slips and why the massive one occurred.

Photo by Arbron

When the slip just happened it was giant they had to clear out 30,000,000 cubic meters of dirt to clean out.

Photo by ksuyin

To make sure we didn’t lose anyone we had to number off my number was 16.

We took a five minute detour took look at this view I didn't realise how high up we were.

We had made it too see what they had turned the slip into they had steps down so diggers could keep digging without danger.

Photo by Ash 'n ' JoJo

Even some of the rocks were too big to dig up by the digger they would have to break them down into smaller pieces.

Photo by Cool-Rock.com

Now after the one year clean up this is what the gorge looks like now.

Photo by Shadowfoot

We climbed back up to where we were going to have our lunch we sat on the steps of this artwork. We didn't have very long to eat because we had to finish the track.

Photo by styler*

We were back walking there was one more spot that we had to see before we walked to the end.

The wind turbine’s there were so many of them and we got to go real close to one of them.

Photo by Jondaar_1

This is the closest we got to a wind turbine.

Photo by Jondaar_1

There was a cool little view that we found on the way out it was my favourite one.

I think everyone had a good time just walking and talking nearing the end.

Photo by Centophobia

We walked the green track. It was 10.2 kilometres.

Photo by mpeacey

I think the gorge was a very good walk and I hope everybody enjoyed it as much as I did.

Thanks for watching