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Maniac Magee

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Maniac Magee

By Jerry Spinelli
Photo by kevin dooley

What i have learned

  • Aunt Dot & Unlce Dan, Amanda Beale, Mrs. Beale
  • Holidaysburg, western part of Pennsylvania
  • Amusing 
Photo by Alex Ristea

What i have learned

  • Aunt Dot & Unlce Dan, Amanda Beale, Mrs. Beale
  • Holidaysburg, western part of Pennsylvania
  • Amusing 
  • I think the boy will soon make the right choices.
Photo by ginnerobot

Manic Magee is a little boy whos made out of a cereal box, and with a heart made out of a sofa spring. The fifth grade fun away, finnally finds a home, with annoying siblings, strict parents and all that a normal home should have.

Photo by ben.gallagher

Manic Magee was an ok book. The boy had a hard time with finding a new home after running away from his aunt and uncle. He soon finds a family, that will annoy him, be strict of him, and will take care of him.

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