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Manifest Destiny

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Manifest Destiny

Westward Expansion in the 1800s
Photo by Al_HikesAZ

John Gast's "American Progress"
(ca. 1872)


Fanny Palmer's "Across the Continent" (1868)


Origins of the Idea

  • John O'Sullivan, Editor of United States Magazine and Democratic Review, wrote the article "Annexation" in 1845
  • It is "the fulfillment of our MANIFEST DESTINY to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions."
Photo by DanielJames

Origins of the Idea

  • From Thomas Paine's Common Sense: "We have it in our power to begin the world over again. A situation, similar to the present, hath not happened since the days of Noah until now. The birthday of a new world is at hand…."
Photo by danmachold


  • Many believed that American democracy would spread with little effort from the government
  • Pioneers would take their beliefs with them wherever they went, and other countries in the world would seek to emulate American ideal.

Themes of the Expansionist Movement

  • The virtue of American people and her institutions (a new, better society than the Old World)
  • The mission to spread these ideals and make over the world in the image of this idealized United States
  • The destiny under God to fulfill these visions
Photo by Marion Doss

Historical Timeline

  • 1803 - Louisiana Purchase
  • 1818 - Treaty of 1818 (US/Canada border extended)
  • 1819 - Purchase of Florida
  • 1823 - Monroe Doctrine
Photo by Roger Lynn

Historical Timeline

  • 1845 - Texas Annexation
  • 1846 - Oregon Treaty
  • 1846 - Mexican-American War
  • 1848 - Mexican cession of New Mexico and California

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