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Mans Car=BEES

Published on May 02, 2022

Man's Car Gets Invaded by Bees, mor specifically BARRY BEE BENSONS FRIENDS, what will happen? Will he survive?


Mans Car=BEES

Otherwise known as A man's Car is filled with 15,000 bees
Photo by Phim Ảnh

Mans Car=BEES

  • It started out as a quick stop at a grocery store. A man parked his car, left a window open, and went in to get some groceries. When he came back, his car was filled with more than 15,000 bees he ended up getting help from the fire department.
  • You are super unlucky my guy, feels bad.
Photo by mrfqhmz

Summary: A dude went to go get groceries and his car was taken over by bees, the fire department ended up getting called and they helped the poor man get rid of Barry Benson's friends, this dude was not hurt, thank goodness Barry and his friends were not hostile.

Photo by rittyrats

Don't leave your car window open when you get some milk from the grocery store, or else Barry Bee Benson Will Strike.

Photo by [photo]Matt