Marcellin Champagnat was born on May 20, 1789 in Le Rosey, France.
Marcellin Champagnat was ordained a priest on July 22nd, 1816.
One day in February, Marcellin and Bro.Stanislaus go to see a sick brother. They get caught in a snowstorm and and recite the Memorare, this is call " Memorare in the snow"
Marcellin Champagnat dies on June 6, 1840 at age 51 from stomach cancer. He was buried in the Brothers' cemetery at Hermitage.
Marcellin Champagnat is declared Venerable by the Church.
Marcellin Champagnat is declared Blessed by Pope Pius XII on, Sunday May 29, 1955
On April 18, 1999, Marcellin is proclaimed a saint.