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Marine & Ocean Engineering

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Marine & Ocean Engineering

By Cherise Johnson
Photo by Ricky Flores

Degree Options

  • Bachelor's Degree- courses in marine structure design, oceanography, ocean systems design and engineering materials
  • Master's and Doctoral Degree- independent research and fieldwork plus advanced engineering and marine science courses

Places of employment

  • USA & Canada
  • Aker Solutions
  • Beach protection and nourishment, coastal structures, ocean mining, ports and harbors, submersible vehicles
Photo by an agent

What does a marine engineer do?

  • explore gas and oil fields
  • searching for economic ways of extracting energy
  • coastal zone managemen
  • developing underwater vehicles
  • beach restoration
Photo by Ondablv

Job titles

  • • Naval Architect • Marine Architect • Marine Engineer • Naval Engineer • Boat Designer • Structural Designer • Piping Designer • Technical Manager
Photo by mikebaird

Job and duties:An ocean engineer researches, designs, and builds various types of marine equipment. They utilize their knowledge of the properties of seawater to solve problems related to ocean research and transportation. Schedule depends on your job.

Schools that offer bachelor degrees in ocean engineering expect students to complete courses in marine structure design, oceanography, ocean systems design and engineering materials. Bachelor's degrees in ocean engineering are either a Bachelor of Science in Ocean Engineering or a degree in civil engineering with an ocean engineering concentration.

Photo by Krister462

Ocean engineers must learn to involve themselves with others. They need to figure out the best solution for all people and not just individually. Severe job titles make you risk your life and so you must be prepared.

Pursuing this career

  • If you have always enjoyed the water and wanted to learn more about it, ocean engineering may be for you. Sciences are core classes involved in this job title.
  • the innovations in instrumentation and equipment design made by ocean engineers have revolutionized the field of oceanography.
Photo by CIMMYT


  • I was surprised that most jobs involving this career exist in the US
  • The importance of ocean engineering is that they continue to innovate instruments that lead to important discoveries in our time.
  • You should pick up things such as time management throughout school if you want to pursue an engineering career.


La Tierra


Cherise Johnson POE 9/9 Activity 2.1.0 Career Field Description


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