- Average $53,000
- Highest $105,000
Job prospects
- Discover new life in the Ocean
- Help ocean animals
- Medical Benefits
- Paid Vacations
- Sick Days
- Bonuses (depending on employer)
Important Skills
- Intrest in aquatic life
- Good numeric + statistics skills
- Fieldwork Skills
- Communication Skills
- Educated in Sciences (Biology) + Math
- Physical risks when in field
- Pay can be a little less then what is needed depending on lifestyle
Type of person this job would appeal to?
- Good communicators, social, willing to work with others
- Patient people
- Curious- willing to learn
- Good observation skills
- Smart
Education Required (Highschool)
- Consider...
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Math
- Computer Science
- English
Education required (Post-Secondary)
- Ecology
- Aquatic Biology
- Oceanogr
- Geology
- Botany
- Zoology
- Environmental Science
- Marine Biolo
Am i a match?
- 83% Match
- Trailblazer- Not Matched
- Creative Arts- Matched
- Relationships- Matched
I have always been interested with ocean wildlife and very curious about what could be in the sea that we haven't discovered and have always wanted to find out myself what was down there.
I also like to observe and I am very social. At first I didn't know this job had social aspects to it, but now that I do know I think I would be a good fit for this job.
Why would someone want this job?
In my opinion, why wouldn't someone want to know more about what we don't already more!
After research, I think this job also looks like it has positive benefits.