The education you need to be a marine biologist is lots of biology(of course),science,chemistry, and physics.
Some more education you would need is mathematics,computer, technical\electrical, and typing skills.
The money you could potenialy earn being a Marine Biologist (in the U.S) is $26,000 - $241,000!
What a marine biologist does!
- Study organisms in the sea and other bodies of salt water
- Scuba dive
- Study animals in a laborty
Top 5 favorite under the sea animals!
- Sea otter
- Bluefin Tuna
- Leatherback Turtle
- Saw fish
- Humphead Wrasse
To be a marine biologist you need to live by water if you are serious about it.
They will probably have better animals and organisms to study from the ocean.
How could this world make a difference to help the animals under the sea?
One of the many ways we could help is by not littering because, that trash gets into the oceans and other bodies of water.
The animals don't know any better than to explore what we have put in their habitate. Then that could pontailly lead to death.
So if we want to show our younger generations the amazing sights of the ocean we need to try to make a difference.