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Slide Notes

I picked the quote "If the Oceans Die, We Die" because it is very simple, but it's meaning has a lot of dept and feeling. Although the quote is short, it catches the reader's attention and hopefully makes them eager or wanting to read about the presentation. The picture perfectly matches the quote with people and dogs walking along the water shore. I chose it because it is there to visually show how important water is to people and all other living things. It also shows how water is not only used for our basic needs, but is source of attraction and beauty that can be used for tourism.
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Marine Life - Inquiry

Published on Dec 01, 2015

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The importance of marine life

"if the oceans die, we die"
I picked the quote "If the Oceans Die, We Die" because it is very simple, but it's meaning has a lot of dept and feeling. Although the quote is short, it catches the reader's attention and hopefully makes them eager or wanting to read about the presentation. The picture perfectly matches the quote with people and dogs walking along the water shore. I chose it because it is there to visually show how important water is to people and all other living things. It also shows how water is not only used for our basic needs, but is source of attraction and beauty that can be used for tourism.

To survive and prosper, we all need to have healthy oceans.

This is essential to our inquiry project because it begins the audience with information about the ocean carefully leading it to the main topic: marine life.
It is supposed to explain the significant role the ocean plays in our lives. The picture also displays a wonderful seascape of a ocean, perfectly fitting in to the theme.

Without marine life, our lives would be unbalanced and stable.

I picked this because this point talks about how the marine life affects our world. Loss of marine life results to lack of oxygen, less jobs, decline in food source and many more. The picture shows many different sizes of ships. I chose this picture because it is supposed to represent how without marine life, our world would be different from what it is today. If marine life was gone, fishermen would lose their jobs, resulting in ships and sailboats only being used for transportation. However, with the disappearance of marine life, the ocean would look gross and full of pollution. Who would want to travel in that kind of condition?
Photo by SineadFriel

One species' disappearance can make a large difference on the global population.

I decided to put this on the slide because it one of the main topic of the importance of marine life: how the loss of marine life affect other living organisms. As various living things go extinct, the food chain would crumble.
I chose to display a picture of seagulls catching fish for food because it represents the significant role the marine life plays as food source towards other living things. For example, fish are one of the main components of seagulls’ diets, and without them the population of seagulls would decrease.

Dead zones are areas without enough oxygen for marine life to survive in.

I decided to add this to my slide because if I had to imagine or compare something to oceans without life, the first thing that pops up are Dead Zones. Dead zones are areas without enough oxygen for marine life to survive in. They are mostly caused by decomposition and how it uses up the oxygen. For example, when fish or plankton dies, it slowly decays and uses up oxygen. The picture shows a map with all of the dead zones in the world.
Photo by alpoma

Our actions affect the growth and loss of marine life.

I added this to my presentation because that way I can explain to my audience how you can prevent the loss of marine life. Plus, it's always a good idea to end in a positive note that will inspire and inform the people. What better way to conclude a presentation, than to end it with something the audience can actually do? Giving them ideas on how to save and help marine life, may motivate them, affecting the growth of marine life in the best way possible.