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Mario and Maria

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Story of Mario and Maria

By Emily Minardi

Olim, Mario abactus pugnat, contra America sed pro Italia

Once upon a time, Mario was forced to fight against America but for Italy

Mario multi fundi in Sicilia superavat.

Mario took over many farms in Sicily.
Photo by scotbot

Occurat pulcher femina nomen Maria

He met a beautiful woman named Maria

Maria ovuum Mario faciaverat, in amo incidaverant

Maria made eggs for Mario, and they fell in love.
Photo by Nanagyei

Post bellum, viatora as America erant simul

After the war, they traveled to America together.

Matrimonium et matrimonium pro mulit annus

They became married and were married for many years.
Photo by aenimation

Multi liberi et possiderunt et magnus familia. Quisque ad finis amaverant.

They had many children and a large family. They loved each other until the end.