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Mars Candy

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Jeremy Mills- Entrepreneur


Mars Candy

Founded in 1911
Photo by FredrikPerman

Mr. Forrest Mars Background

  • Born: March 21, 1904
  • Birthplace: Wadena, Minnesota / Attended Yale University
  • 1911-Frank C. Mars made the first candies in his kitchen
  • 1920's-Forrest Mars joined his father and geographically expanded
  • Forrest made Washington, DC the headquarters of his company


  • Creativity
  • Diverse in type of production
  • Represents #1 selling candy of all time=M&M's
  • Wide spread production to increase sales
Photo by _Davo_

Risk Taker

  • Had no public relations department
  • Completely controlled by Mars family
  • For European companies, altered recipes
  • If called by reporters, they hung up the phone
Photo by DuReMi


  • Decision to expand
  • Enthusiast with a positive character
  • Humourus which helped production
  • Passionate about quality of product


  • Made the decision to expand overseas
  • Join forces with father to reach full potential
  • M&M's=candy coated so they don't melt in sun

Ambition & Self-COnfidence

  • Confidence in father's ideas to join forces
  • Desire to expand company geographically
  • Mars family running company

Willingness to take risks

  • Open to spread to European countries
  • Mars company also entered pet care arena
  • Purchase of Wrigley company, i.e: gum

Energy & Self-Discipline

  • Energetic about production
  • Perfection is a must
  • Drive to make company all it can be
Photo by dave~

Perseverance & Problem Solving

  • Took an idea and ran with it
  • Candy that melts in mouth but not in hand
  • M&M's
  • One of richest people in the world
  • Expansion in products

Organizational skill

  • Family was in charge of headquarters
  • Made sure of not cross contaminating foods
  • No publication relations and avoided reporters

Ability to move others

  • Explosive temper about quality
  • Humiliating others, kept friendly environment
  • Prayed for company during meetings
  • Motivator


  • The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014
  • "Forrest Mars." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.
  • The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Forrest Edward Mars (American Entrepreneur
  • )." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.
Photo by Great Beyond