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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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  • Mars composition is similar to Earth in its basic composition
  • It has a core that is mainly iron and sulfur
  • The crust that is made of basalt
  • IT has just enough iron oxide to give the planet its characteristic reddish hue
  • The mars core is solid and does not move. It is thought to be about 2,960 km in diameter.
Mars composition is similar to Earth in its basic composition. It has a core that is mainly iron and sulfur, wrapped in a mantle that is silicates, all of which is cocooned by a crust that is made of basalt and just enough iron oxide to give the planet it characteristic reddish hue. Knowing the basic components of Mars is just brushing the surface.

The core, like Earth’s, has a major iron component. That is where the similarities stop. The core here on Earth is molten and it's in constant motion. The inner core rotates in a different direction than the outer core and the interaction of the two creates our magnetic field, which protects the surface from solar radiation.

The Martian core is solid and does not move. It is thought to be about 2,960 km in diameter. The planet lacks a magnetic field because of this and is constantly bombarded by radiation that killed an potential life forms millenia ago.

The crust is mainly basalt from volcanic activity billions of years ago. It varies between 50 and 125 km thick. A large portion of the outer edges of the crust is compromised of iron oxide dust.


  • Mars is actually a tiny little world.
  • The diameter of Mars is 6,800 km across. This is 53% the diameter of Earth.
  • then consider the mass of Mars. It has only 10% the mass of Earth.
  • the surface gravity on Mars is only 38% the gravity on Earth


MARS =3.93 G/CM³ Earth =5.52 g/cm³


  • Mars 3 had enormous shield volcanoes, which they are now extinct.
  • The largest volcanoes it's called the Olympus Mons
  • Olympus Mons is 600 km (372 miles)across its base
  • And 25 km (15 miles) above the surrounding plain
The volcanoes on Mars are now extinct, but they indicate a preceding period of significant Martian volcanism. Such volcanoes are called shield volcanoes, because they look like shields. The largest volcano on Mars is not one of the three shown previously. It is called Olympus Mons,

T its base and about 25 km above the surrounding plain.

For reference, the largest shield volcano on the Earth is Mauna Loa, which is only about 200 km across its base, and the 25 km height of Olympus Mons is about 2 1/2 times the height of Mount Everest.
Photo by gainesp2003


  • For the most part it is very cold on Mars.
  • The only exception is during the summer days close to or at the equator.
  • Even at the equator, the night time temperatures fall well below zero.
  • On summer days, it can be around 20 degrees Celsius then plummet to -90 C at night.


  • Mars also has tectonic plates.
  • Plates are still active today, with the potential to produce "Marsquakes" every now and again.
  • Mars has several long, straight chains of volcanoes, including three that make up the Tharsis Montes,
  • linear chains may have formed from the motion of a plate sitting over a "hot spot" in the Martian mantle, as the Hawaiian Islands are thought to have formed on E
For years, scientists suspected these tectonic plates existed on the Red Planet. But UCLA Professor An Lin confirmed it this week after analyzing more than 100 satellite images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. About a dozen of those images contained features Yin had seen before in his studies of Earth's major plate divides.

Mars has very smooth canyon walls, a feature that only a fault can generate. We can see those same images in California's Death Valley, where a similar fault is located. Additionally, Mars has a linear volcanic zone, which Yin said is a typical product of plate tectonics.


  • You can live on mars but it will be risky or suicidal
  • Living on mars is a harsh environment.
  • Not much of resources to live on mars
  • Mars is radiated
  • Your life will always remain staying in you spacesuits
Photo by davedehetre


  • Mars was formed, along with the rest of the solar system, about 4.6 billion years ago.
  • theory is that the solar system began as a large, lumpy cloud of cold gas
  • and dust, called the solar nebula.
  • The nebula collapsed because of its own gravity and flattened into a spinning disk.
  • Matter was drawn to the center of the disk, forming the sun.
The planet Mars was formed, along with the rest of the solar system, about 4.6 billion years ago. The leading theory is that the solar system began as a large, lumpy cloud of cold gas and dust, called the solar nebula. The nebula collapsed because of its own gravity and flattened into a spinning disk. Matter was drawn to the center of the disk, forming the sun.


  • There have been four successful robotically operated Mars rovers
  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory managed the Mars Pathfinder mission and its now inactive Sojourner rover.
  • the Mars Exploration Rover mission's active Opportunity rover and inactive Spirit,
  • the Mars Science Laboratory mission, the Curiosity rover.
Photo by Chengings