It is a family focused on the behavior of their childrens.
Their parents occupied in their activities they hire a nannie to take care of them, and the parents evade their responsibilities to devote time to their children
That their parents do not pay them much attention and Mr. Banks believes that hiring one babysitter after another is the solution to the problems of their children. He treats children as young soldiers must remain in alignment
I think the climax is when Mary Poppins puts children inside a drawing of bert in the park and that Mary Poppins and bert sing fun songs, and Mary Poppins and the children are uploaded to a carousel and Mary takes the horses of the carousel to compite in a race that Mary wins
When Mary Poppins has their rest day Mr. Banks decides to bring their children to the bank for that his son deposit 2 pence but the child don´t wanted to give the pence to the banker and the people heard that the bank did not return money and everyone started to take money out of their accounts
Mr. Banks understood that he had to dedicate time to its children and with a joke that he learned from Mary Poppins the banker died from an attack of laughter but thanks to that earned a place in the bank and he was happy with his family