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Mary's scrapbook of Jesus

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Mary's scrapbook of Jesus


The annunciation

"He will be great and will be called the Son of the most high" Luke 1:32

"When the angel came and told me i would have Gods son i was so surprised ! "


"Before i told Mary to "not be afraid" she looked so

Mary was married to Joseph

Mary was the mother of the savior Jesus

The BIrth Of Jesus

Glory to god in the highest.  Luke 2-14

"When Jesus came it was Amazing. He was so beautiful and amazing."

"I knew he would be the savior and king of the Jews!"

Photo by abcdz2000

Jesus was born in Bethlehem

THe star the wise men followed was over him.

baptism of Jesus

"You are my son, whom i love; with you i am well pleased." luke 3:22

"When I heard that my son Jesus was being baptized I was so glad for him."

" When Jesus came i was so surprised and happy that my savior had come"

The dove was the holy spirit.

John the baptist was Jesus's cousin.
Photo by hops_76

Jesus In the desert

Jesus said ¨It is said:'Do not put the lord your god to the test¨
Photo by jaci XIII

When I heard that Devil was tempting Jesus I was mad!!!!!!

When Jesus wouldn't budge i was Mad!!!!!!

Photo by Omnitographer

Jesus fasted for 40 days

Jesus wasn't tempte
Photo by djwtwo

Jesus and the apostles

" Go away from me, lord;I am a sinful man!" Luke 5:11

Jesus, so very helpful. And also a very kind man.

My lord Jesus, Boy the miracles he can make.

Simon(Peter)was a fisher

His companions were James and John