I got $200 to spend on my first date so I was going to spend 20% on a restaurant (Applebee's) now I have $160 left and I can spend $10 on a mini golf game, rent my step-dad's corvette for $100, $40 on a movie, and $10 for snacks.
I realized that I didn't know how to get to her house so I asked her and made a scale map. (pics at end) When I got there I found that the house was a rectangle.
Her dad said we had until 10:00 p.m. . We first went to Applebee's where I found that the probability of her getting the most expensive menu item was 73% which was $27.00 so I bought the least expensive $13.00 that equals 40$, perfect!
We then went mini golfing. On hole 7 there was a sharp 90 degree angle so I estimated that I had to hit the wall at 45 degree angle to sink the put.
At the movies we spent $40 to get in ( it was an advanced screening) and we started looking for snacks. You could get two pops for $8.50 or one pop for $4.00, so I bought to separate drinks. The pops held on liter apiece so we had 2,000 milliliters of pop. 1 popcorn cost $2.00 so you could buy two popcorns and it would equal the same as one pop!
That was my first date we dated for another night then broke up because I don't know.