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Matthew 6:24

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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“No one can serve two masters.
He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24


  • This quote explains the relationship between man and material goods.
  • Sometimes, greed gets in the way of what is really important.
  • People put things such as money, or "mammon", above God and others.
  • "Mammon" is a Syriac word meaning "wealth" or "money". Often used in the Old Testament
  • Matthew teaches us that we cannot serve both. It is the decision between God and wealth.


  • Many biblical figures struggle with the idea of wealth and God.
  • For example, Solomon was one king who suffered due to his decisions.
  • He chose wealth over God and him and his kingdom fell apart.
  • People like Solomon led Matthew to his conclusion.
  • Wealth is not something to be worshipped. God is.


  • People today focus on attaining wealth in order to provide for their families, etc.
  • Our faith ends up being the last thing on our minds behind school and work.
  • However, without God, we would be poorer than we would be without money.
  • Qualities of giving, loving, and caring for others is all the wealth we need

Dear God,
Guide us in the right direction. Thank you for your unconditional love and understanding. Help us realize that your love and guidance makes a person wealthy. Don't let greed and pride get to our heads and lead us into your light. It is important to understand that God makes us rich in love and forgiveness.