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Mayan Empire And Gupta Empire

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Strong military: Mauryan gathered many men from
  • Across magdha and other provinces for army, resources were
  • Also gathered.. Mayan took enemy soldiers and sacrificed them.
  • Also, used long range weapons amd element of suprise
  • Strong gov.: , mauryan empire had good leadership of chandragupta maurya...
Photo by romana klee


  • He passed his leadership to his son. Mayans had a developed gov. Ruled by
  • kings and priests, and lived in independent city-states. Natural resources:
  • mauryan was located near the indian ocean, good for boat travel/fishing
  • Mayans had fishing, minerals, clay, and crops. No other empires: mayan was
  • protected by surrounding land; mauryan was only near small disunited satraps
Photo by Ana12321


  • Conquest: mayans wanted to sustain an empire and civilization & expand border
  • But only when necessary to do. Mauryans took control of all southern kingdoms
  • during kalinga war. Greed: mauryans wanted charge over all southern kingdoms
  • (Achieved)
Photo by abmiller99


  • Mauryans fell from poor leadership: after ashoka ruled there were 50
  • Years that followed with very weak kings and territories shrunk largely
  • The mayans, however abandoned all their cities and mysteriously
  • Disappeared.
Photo by Kiwi-Lomo

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  • Mauryan: one of the world's largest empires
  • And the largest empire on the indian sub continent
  • They had a huge army with calvary and war elephants
  • They had 40 straight years of peace that ashoka created
  • The empire became enormously wealthy
Photo by saamiblog


  • Mayan: created the solar calendar that is still used today
  • Created ball courts that were held every 20 days (mix of soccer, basket ball
  • And kick ball) Built two different types of pyramids (ones to climb and ones not to)
  • Created various types of art including sculptures, pottery, textlies, weaving, feather work, carvings
Photo by mybulldog