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Maya's History Assign.

Published on Nov 30, 2015

My assignment for FLVS world history. :) -Thanks! -Maya H.


Maya's History Assign.

6.08 19th Century Changes - Module Project

Boxer Rebellion

  • Around the 1900s, a group translated as the Society of the Fist of Righteous Harmony rose up in China, fiercely and violently rejecting anything Western. This happened as a result of the unmoral treatment the Europeans imposed unto the Chinese. The Emperor secretly supported them, and the group exploded into the rebellion against the Westerners. However, the rebellion proved not to be successful.
  • The event proved to be significant because it resulting in the further dominance of Europe over China, canceling out hope of warding off western colonists anytime soon and showed that all revolutions carried a certain amount of risk.

Spanish American Wars-Independence

  • In 1808, Napoleon's troops invaded Spain and it's some of its colonies. This weakened Spain, consequently weakening its grip on its colonies. Because of poor treatment, many of were eager to escape Spanish control, and took advantage of Spain's weakened ability to prevent rebellion to strike out. Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and Peru then became enveloped in revolution, all eventually gaining independence. However, civil wars and corrupt ruling then plagued these countries.
  • These occurrences are important because they depict examples of successful revolutions, and showed the world what can happen after that is accomplished. These cries for independence inspired others to call for independence

Zollverein: Germany

  • Zollverein was known as "customs union," it was started by Prussia in 1834 to increase trade and transport of goods. It became the first step toward German unification and ultimately German independence. It made Austria weaker than Prussia, who had been competing for German dominance.
  • By making Austria weaker, it lessened competition for Germany and made unification of Germany easier. It also resulted in France surrendering from Germany in 1871. This event was important because it showed how a country could make another into unification and (temporary) peace. More importantly, it also affected the balance of power, which lead to World War 1.

Industrialization in Britain

  • In 1769, came an English inventor Richard Arkwright who designed a water-powered spinning machine for cotton. At the time, cotton was in large demand. Several people could work on this machine at the same time. He became an entrepreneur, investing money toward mills, where groups of people gathered together to work on the same thing. It became a success, and as a result mills, or factories, spread all over the nation, making up the start of the industrial revolution in Britain.
  • This was an important occurrence because this changed the era and changed the focus of many colonizing nations. It also drastically increased the population which in turn increased disease, diversity, ideas, and competition for finanancial success.

Social reform of Education and Health

  • After the Industrial Revolution, health became a major issue. The population was rapidly rising in certain areas, but was held back due to death out of sickness. When plague swept over, large percentages of populations would die. However, in order to achieve health advances (around the 1800s, germs and harmful bacteria had become discovered) being carried out, an educational reform became necessary. By the time of 1918, all states in America required at least elementary schooling to all students. This way, children were able to learn of germs and the basic forms of disease prevention.
  • This was important because it affected the population and saved many lives. The world would not be here today if it were not for these reforms.