In this presentation, we will discuss the Cold War involvement of Joseph McCarthy and how his actions led to the term, "McCarthyism"
The term "McCarthyism" refers to the personal attacks against innocent people with hardly any evidence to back it up
In the early 1950s, people were very scared of communists spying in the U.S. Joseph McCarthy, a senator of Wisconsin, was the symbol of this care. He spent five years exposing communists within the gov.
Americans became convinced the gov was filled with traitors. McCarthy's accusations became so terrifying that few people ever actually spoke out against him.
McCarthy claimed that there were over 200 known communists working within the department of state. McCarthy accused many innocent people, including Louis Budenz, the former editor of The Daily Worker. All McCarthy's evidence during this accusation was very circumstantial and outdated.
McCarthy eventually was set up in televised U.S. Army hearings. He charged them with being too "soft" on communism. His bullying tactics were soon seen as unfavorable to the American people and he bitterly lost his power.
Joseph McCarthy was a champion of democracy. For the courage Senator McCarthy showed in sticking to his American principles, he is today considered to be a hero by many.
McCarthy had brought the red scare closer to home when he threatened gov. officials and his threatening actions against communism will always be remembered. The act of McCarthyism, good or bad, is still being used today.