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McCulloch v. Maryland

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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McCulloch v. Maryland



  • State Banks began to fail in 1818 Deppresion; Blamed Bank of the U.S.
  • Maryland imposes hefty tax on all banks not chartered in the State
  • James McCulloch (Cashier for Baltimore branch of U.S Bank) refused to pay tax
  • Sent to Chief Justice Marshall and Supreme Court for writ of error


  • Does Congress have the authority to create a Bank under the Constitution?
  • Does the Maryland Law interfere with Congress’ powers?


  • Mar 5,1819 The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Congress had implied powers within the Constitution and could indeed charter the Second bank of the United States
  • Maryland tax was unconstitutional.


  • Necessary and Proper clause of Article I, Section 8, justified the chartering of the second bank of the U.S
  • Supremacy clause - Federal Laws override State Laws


  • Defined the National Power of the Federal Government
  • Congress has Implied powers to use the Constitution as they see "Necessary and proper


  • Creates opportunities to Benefit U.S.
  • Can be Abused=Harmful to citizens
  • Lincoln bent Constitution during Presidency